Are you ready for 2011?

One of my favorite things to do every December and early January is restocking my resource guides for the agency.  Not only is it a good idea to have the print versions of these books on-hand, it’s essential that such guides continue to be available for any aspiring authors. 

I’ve mentioned many times of the need to do the necessary “homework” before querying agents and editors.  By consulting the newest print guides AND the online guides (i.e. Publishers Marketplace), you’ll save time, money and hopefully frustration by reading and following the agent/publisher submission standards in these directories. 

So enjoy!  Trust me, you’ll be happy of the investment. 🙂

1. Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors and Literary Agents – 2011 – This is one of my favorite resources, and one that I believe everyone should at least purchase before querying agents and editors. 

2. Get Known Before the Book Deal by Christina Katz – This is required reading as far as I’m concerned. 

3. 2011 Writer’s Market – Another good directory to consult before querying agents.

4.  Children’s Writers and Illustrator’s Market 2011 – A great companion to the other directories, especially due to the children’s publishing-related information that’s provided.

