Authors Guild – 2010 Spring Bulletin

Yes, it’s Summer now.   If it’s any comfort, I finished reading the bulletin in Philly about a month ago.   Sadly with life’s schedule, the opportunity to talk about this installment didn’t happen until now.

Let me preface the value of the Authors Guild.  If you are a writer, or someone who works with writers, there’s no reason to avoid joining this organization.  If there was ever an important time for you to join the AG, it’s now.  It’s agreed on many levels, the publishing industry is going through growing pains.  As the role of publishers and books evolve, it’s absolutely essential that writers are prepared for the road ahead of them.    The Authors Guild will help make this transition smoother.

Articles I particularly appreciated were:

1. Google & the Digital Future

2. Writing for “the Best Readers There are” by Nicola Smith

3. E-Rights + E-Markets = E=Turmoil? [Symposium from January 19, 2010 with the AAR]

In summary, take a few moments to navigate the Authors Guild website.  And if you haven’t joined already, do it as soon as possible.

