Day #24 – Green-Eyed Monsters

By Dawn Frederick

As our lives become more public, especially in the social media realm, another challenge to overcome is the occasional entrance of the green-eyed monster. I’m not talking about your cat, book villain, or Mike Wasowski.

I’m referring to jealousy, and yes it happens. Usually this isn’t intentional on most peoples’ parts; it’s part of being human. The only requirement in publishing is that one is able to quell this negative feeling with tact and as professionally as possible.

For any writers actively participating in social media, we’re all well-aware of the constant stream of updates regarding the successes of other writers; from landing a book deal, to finding an agent, to being given a type of recognition and more. In the pre-Internet days, this information would be released, but not necessarily on a minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour basis.

Before that green-eyed monster enters the picture, it’s time to step back. Take a breath. Send a note of congratulations. Look at the bigger picture, you’re a writer. Being a writer requires a passion for books and writing. In order to be inspired, a writer reads books. So why be jealous of those who are able to see their books to publication? The right thing to do is be happy for them. They’d probably do the same in return.

For the time being, no more green-eyed monsters are invited. Instead, let’s aim for a smiley face, a hug, or even a high-five. You never know when your big day will come.

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