Z is for Zats

By Dawn Frederick

This past June, the brainstorm for the letter “Z” took on a life of its own. What word in writing and literature is associated with the letter Z? Several months later, we all agreed that the best word was Zats, as in Laura Zats.

Jennie and I am excited to announce that after 6 wonderful months being an intern extraordinaire, Laura is going to join our fold at Red Sofa Literary permanently. Yes, she is going to become an agent!

Laura’s energy is infectious. Her eye for good stories, along with her desire to see writers reach their dreams, made her a great fit. And let’s face it, if someone had told me I’d end up getting to have Jennie and Laura on Team Red Sofa several years ago, I would have believed the person to be delusional. Yet, both of them have made me love my job more, if that’s possible.

Congrats Laura! Welcome to the Sofa!

And stay tuned tomorrow for a NaNo wrap up and some exciting news!

