Thoughts as NaNoWriMo Begins

By Dawn Frederick

So it’s that time of the year when our authors share their advice to other writers and readers.  We yet again will have 30 (wonderful) days of posts on writing and getting published. This is my favorite time of the year, but alas it takes months of prep beforehand.  So much love goes into making this happen at Team Red Sofa.  I couldn’t be prouder of all our authors who helped make this happen.  So stop by every day, come join us for even a few minutes.

And for those who are chipping away at their word counts this month, we are cheering you on from the sidelines.  This is a great exercise for any writer’s muscles and confirmation that even setting small goals as a writer is a valuable practice. Additionally for anyone writing nonfiction, this is a great month to set daily word goals too, this month isn’t only for novelists.

We’ll be discussing the topics of setting goals, handling rejection, the writing process, and perseverance (among other topics not named here).  Let us know of any questions, comments, and your own experiences as we share each post. Let’s keep that conversation going well beyond the original post.

See you on the other side of November!






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